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FAQRoad Markings

  1. How long does the Locator Class last?
    1. The Class is an 8 Hr. class for 10 students or less. For 10 or more a 2nd day is required.
  2. Is Locator Training required under California law?
    1. Yes, annual retesting is required under California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1541, Subchapter 4. Construction Safety Orders Article 6. Excavations D.
  3. What standard or level does the TCS Locator Class training meet?
    1. Common Ground Alliance (CGA) Best Practices, Version 3.0, published March 2006, 4-5 Locator training (listed in CCR Title 8, Section 1541, Subchapter 4. Construction Safety Orders Article 6. Excavations D.)
  4. Does a student receive a certificate or wallet card upon successful completion of the Locator class?
    1. Upon passing the written and hands-on evaluation, a wallet card will be sent to the student
  5. Does an 8HR Locator Class qualify a person to be an Independent Locator in the field?
    1. No, an 8HR Locator Class will provide a basic history, theory and use of locating equipment. It will allow a student a chance to perform a number of different ways to use locating equipment. The student should still work in the field with a mentor until the student and mentor agree the student is ready to locate independently. The Class does meet the CGA Best Practices, Version 3.0 published March 2006 4-5 requirements.

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